Halber Mensch

Track Listing

Halber Mensch

Half man
half man
keep going in any direction
we’ve set up
truths for you
half man
our transmitters shine in their
on the hour we broadcast
your values
keep going
half man
we take care of you
we take heed for you
half man
he who is in parts has nothing to impart
we take care of you
we take heed for you
we take care of you
we trigger your senses
noise reduction
half man
you don’t see the transmitters
and cables
laid long ago
hanging from your nerve
endings – along the way
keep going!
See your second half…
He who is in parts has nothing to impart
we take care of you
we trigger your senses
we take heed for you
we take care for you
that the second half will never meet you
half man
see your second half
which for no apparent reason
wakes up screaming
approaches screaming
you don’t see it
are riveted to the evening programme
keep going in any direction
he who is in parts has nothing to impart
now as before
now as before
strain yourself
strain yourself
now as before
we take care of you
we take heed for you
we take care of you
we trigger your senses
we take care for you
that the second half will never meet you
half man
without further ado
the reaper’s standing there
keep going
goes no further
you shapeless dough
from which life’s spirits
suck the last
remaining sparks
delirious they fly, piqued and drunk from here
dance futilely in the sun
don’t worry
they’ll finish you off
a sight fit for the gods
the reaper sends kind regards,
sickle be not!


Feed my ego!
Feed my ego!
Feed my ego!
Let’s get more vodka
Russian vitamins
I think we’ll have to go back there
I think the guy’s already gone to bed
Definitely! Never!
Never sleep! All lies!
Powdered pleasures!
Telephone! Draw!
Don’t you hear it?
A fixed idea darts through the room
Riemenschneider carves it on the whorls of my brain
dowels itself into my head
later on
you can hang shelves on it, or…
Draw! Telephone! But really now,
tell me, can’t you hear that?
Draw! That burns like crazy!
Feed my ego!
Feed my ego!
Feed my ego!
I am the whole Chinese people
and YuGong can move mountains
and everything is important
what are we talking about the whole time?
Draw! Ssssh!
Numb your ideals
numb your ideas
or simply your teeth
in my mouth anyway it’s all gone rotten
and my nose has direct access to the brain
I’m 6 m tall and everything is important
I’m 9 m tall and everything is more than important
I’m 12 m tall and everything is inconceivable
feed my ego!
feed my ego!
Feed my ego à gogo
I am the whole Chinese people
and Yukong can move mountains
I am 6 m tall
I am 9 m tall
I am 12 m tall and
feed my ego
feed my ego
feed my ego
Never sleep
all lies
Powdered pleasures


One night I was most drunk
into a pit most rare
in a trice therein I sunk
I was likely still drinking ere


Wanting with both arms’ force to haul
myself from this pit’s round
stubborn hands did not want to see fall
that merry cup down to the ground


From that pit’s filth crept foul beasties
which before I rightly knew
soon set gnawing all flesh from me
leaving my few bones just standing bare.

Z. N. S.

Get up!
Stars in my eyes
Fingers like ice
what should I do when
I wake up trembling?
And the room looks topsy-turvy.
The Ce-En-Es it dances the
Ce-En-Es it dances the Ce-En-Es
It dances the Ce-En-Es it
the circulation
it all relates in circles
all along the wall
swings and roundabouts.
The Ce-En-Es it dances the
Ce-En-Es it dances the Ce-En-Es
It dances the Ce-En-Es it
the blackout
can’t remember a thing
testcard is dancing
close-down is dancing
white noise is dancing
1, 2, 3 and 4, the Ce-En-Es it dances the
Ce-En-Es it dances the Ce-En-Es
It dances the Ce-En-Es it…
What’s going on here?
What’s going on here?
What’s going on here?
Something wrong? What’s going on


The Ce-En-Es it dances the
Ce-En-Es it dances the Ce-En-Es
It dances the Ce-En-Es it
it dances stimulants be-yond
good and evil.
“That which does not kill me
makes me stronger”
Friedrich N stop The Ce-En-Es it dances the
Ce-En-Es it dances the Ce-En-Es
It dances the Ce-En-Es it…
Can you hear that whizzing?
Can you hear that whirring?
Don’t drive me crazy.
Stop pulling
stop tugging
I’m already coming
or isn’t that you?
The Ce-En-Es it dances the
Ce-En-Es it dances the Ce-En-Es
It dances the Ce-En-Es it…
Makes a song and dance
queasy stomach, be sure to eat
don’t think about it
don’t think about it at all
nothing to think about
The multivitamins it dances
The Ce-En-Es it dances the
Ce-En-Es it dances the Ce-En-Es
It dances the Ce-En-Es it…
That’s quite enough
I think I’ll be off
A complete club of idiots
say goodbye
say goodbye
say goodbye
to the nervous system!

Seele brennt

I am the subversive love
the counter-sex
every day costs me wounds
though I’m now already
wrecked and festooned with blood


You start crying inside the taxi
Just because I say
that I will be dead within two years
consuming these amounts
all idols have to die (laughter)


…my soul is burning
I go and hide, sit in my hole
and wait for the dreams to save me
(they don’t come)
slowly but surely
I burn at the stake of love
from deep within to without


I have savoured
have gone far too far
can’t get rid of the taste
perhaps it’s just inflamed
perhaps it’s just inflamed what’s already burning
instead of my soul
in the stead of my soul
my soul is burning!

Sehnsucht (zitternd)

comes out of chaos
is the only energy
my desire
my addiction
is the only energy

Der tod ist ein Dandy

Hai! Hai! Hai! A drag deep in the void
No nag, no mare
Like the knight in the game of games
Death is a dandy
Death is a dandy
Death is a dandy on a horse


The horseman has style
Flattering to the eyes
Hands in bandage
Death is a dandy
Death is a dandy
Death is a dandy on a horse




Death is a dandy
Death is a dandy
Death is a dandy
This was made to end all parties, bye bye…

Letztes Biest (am Himmel)

I am the last beast in the sky
I am the last beast in the sky
The last beast in the sky
Rise in the East
The East is red
And set in the West
I am the last beast in the sky


The last brute in the firmament
Hold me tight
Hold me tight
In heavens median
I am the last beast in the sky
I am the last beast in the sky
Hold me tight, I am drying out
My light is dying out
Hold me tight in the zenith
Far away, 2, 3 or more parsecs, away from here
I am the last beast in the sky
I am the last fair creature
I am the last feverish constellation
Hold me tight, hold me tight
Hold me tight
at dawn